Welcome to Australia’s premier national Vintage Pinup Experience
We are thrilled to be able to share with you the only experience of its sort in the world that offers real women (and men), all women of every age, shape & size the opportunity to embark on a journey of self growth all through the love of vintage glamour!

View the footage of the rehersals from The Sydney Morning Herald:
www.facebook.com/misspinupaustralia /videos/10153590733032294/
Want to know exactly what Miss Pinup Australia is all about? Please view our documentary titled "My Miss Pinup" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3f3d6jvxG8
follow us on facebook
You can view the film clip to the official Miss Pinup Australia theme song performed by the 2014 grand finalists at http://youtu.be/iRXR7wt-95M
You can view the film clip to the official Miss Pinup Australia theme song performed by the 2013 grand finalists at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0GHSdaKapI
Love our 2013 theme song..... you can download your very own copy by The Sugarshakers from Itunes at https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/chin-up-pin-up-ep/id623730573
You can view what got gals interested in entering Miss Pinup Australia here
We asked the 2013 grand finalists what they gained from their Miss Pinup Australia experience
The 2011/12 grand finals of Miss Pinup Australia® was featured on "The Today Show" on channel 9
Miss Pinup Australia NSW state finals 2012 was featured on "Sunrise"
and then the state Title winners had a live interview on "The Morning Show" channel 7
Check out our teaser clips for the 2013 grand finals DVD!

View the footage of the rehersals from The Sydney Morning Herald:
www.facebook.com/misspinupaustralia /videos/10153590733032294/
Want to know exactly what Miss Pinup Australia is all about? Please view our documentary titled "My Miss Pinup" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3f3d6jvxG8
follow us on facebook

You can view the film clip to the official Miss Pinup Australia theme song performed by the 2014 grand finalists at http://youtu.be/iRXR7wt-95M
You can view the film clip to the official Miss Pinup Australia theme song performed by the 2013 grand finalists at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0GHSdaKapI
Love our 2013 theme song..... you can download your very own copy by The Sugarshakers from Itunes at https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/chin-up-pin-up-ep/id623730573
You can view what got gals interested in entering Miss Pinup Australia here
We asked the 2013 grand finalists what they gained from their Miss Pinup Australia experience
The 2011/12 grand finals of Miss Pinup Australia® was featured on "The Today Show" on channel 9
Miss Pinup Australia NSW state finals 2012 was featured on "Sunrise"
and then the state Title winners had a live interview on "The Morning Show" channel 7
Check out our teaser clips for the 2013 grand finals DVD!
check out our details page for in depth information about joining us for the Miss Pinup Australia experience
Miss Pinup Australia is proudly brought to you by

The fabulous venues that have held Miss Pinup Australia events

Testimonials from our fabulous participants
Miss Dee Meanour- Miss Pinup Australia Runner Up 2014, Miss VavaVoom NSW 2014
'Success is a journey- not a destnation'- a quote I have written around everywhere in my life. So too is Miss Pinup Australia. When you enter, it doesnt end after the State Final nor the National Grand Final, your journey continues.
Never in a kazillion years would I expect to be writing this post MPA 2014, being a state and national title holder. Its still sinking in, as my intentions were never to win, that was an added bonus. I entered MPA at a time of my life when I'd had a few dark moments, a bit post natal and needing SOMETHING. I couldnt pick what that was.
I had been fllowing MPA and Boogie Bop Dames (and the infamous Miss Pixie) and facebook for several years and finally plucked the courage to create my pinup profile. It sat there for weeks with no friends and no activity! So I bit the bullet and submitted my entry for the 2014 season. Suddenly I had 400 friends hahaha. My eyes were opened to an amazing community of like minded people who, from all different walks of life, loved the era, the style, the clothing, the music, the people..... All of it. I was hooked.
There were a number of catch ups, meet and greets and the like that I'm SO SO glad I attended, as I was able to meet these interesting people I only knew through facebookland. And of course, the corny old phrase 'I met the bestest friends'. Yep I did. Really really. For me, all of the girls were amazing and individual. But a particular two pushed me through, supported me and encouraged me to to the best I could. After nights of screaming baby, empty wine bottles and Oreo pizza, two of the strongest women I have EVER met made me so proud to stand alongside them on stage, and call them some of my best friends. Of everything in the competition, I am proudest of their achievements, both in MPA and in life, so much more than my own. Watching their personal journeys is what made the year for me (as well as post MPA Oreo pizza wearing sashes and tiaras!)
Youve probably heard that MPA isn't your typical pinup competition. Nor beauty pageant. You all probably hear a lot about it being a 'journey' and let me explain. The journey isnt about becoming good at doing your hair and makeup. I'll let you in on a little secret- something Miss Pixie said that resinated in me about a contestants 'pinup persona'. 'Your pinup persona is the best/ ideal version of you'. This got me thinking.
A pinup 'persona' is the best, ideal version of yourself, and this is the character one portrays through their pinup name. So the actual journey that you experience in MPA is closing the gap between where you started, and becoming that ideal version of yourself. But like success, it's not a destination. And thats why MPA is never over, as post MPA you continue to grow and develop and become the best person you can be.
For me, this has been my personal growth towards becoming proud of who I am, what I do, and being able to vocalise that and having resilience. There are always going to be critics but building your confidence and resilience is what will liberate you!
(Dont worry I'm finished my pshychological breakdown of the MPA journey haha)
I had an absolute ball and I can personally see the growth in myself and my friends and hope to see many more guys and girls in the next MPA season! It really is life changing, for so many people in so many differnet ways, and as Nan always said- things happen for a reason xxxx Miss Dee Meanour
Madam Dreadful- 2014 competitor
I initially entered the 2013/2104 competition just for fun but soon realised it was much more then a competition and it began taking me on a journey of self discovery and self love. I took home the title of Miss Illustrated Pinup Victoria and as I started to prepare for Grand Finals
I found it gave me the opportunity to push my self creatively and mentally and to overcome doubts I've always had about myself. Then it was Grand Final week which was one of the most rewarding, crazy, fun adventures I've ever been on!!! I strutted my stuff and gave it my all as I made sure I was leaving a lasting impression on the audience. I didn't bring home a National title but I did come home with the best memories and a better, happier, care free, more confidant ME!!
I will be entering again and would recommend entering Miss Pinup Australia to everyone no matter what size, age or gender you are.
2014 was the year to challenge my self and discover what I'm capable of..........
2015 will be the year of excellence, I now know who I am and what I do best and I will be serving fierceness!
I am truly honoured to be part of the Miss Pinup Australia family, I have made some of the best most kindest friends that I will be keeping for life.
Do your self a favour and enter because future you will love you for it!
Madam Dreadful xo
Atomic Flossie- 2013 competitor
WELL... To start with.. It has taken a lot of drafts, and well thought out paragraphs to formulate what will follow. Additionally, a heck of a load of nerves, especially, right now as I am typing.
When I discovered Miss Pinup Australia via the lovelies Lana Honey and Lacey Lemonade, I was part way through grappling my way out of a hole dug so deep I thought I would never come out on top.
Of course, this was a hole I had been digging for myself over quite some time. I was aided by post traumatic stress disorder, a job in the 4th busiest emergency dept in NSW and my uncanny ability to suppress stress and build walls to keep out everyone else - My patients, my boyfriend, my parents and my friends.
After admitting to myself that I needed help, finding all the things that brought me joy in this life - no longer did, breaking up with someone I loved so as to not drag him down into my horrible life, and wanting to see those no longer on this plane of existence so badly I would do what ever it took to get me there, I decided to practice what I preeched to my patients and got some help.
After starting to see a glimmer of sunshine, I picked up a hobby I had always felt accomplished at - hair styling. I coupled that with my love of all things vintage - naive as I was and started my own little bussiness offering my vintage hairstyling services to those who wanted it.
It was my first real client that introduced me to the Miss Pinup Australia world and to Miss Pixie. After watching the MPA live heat last year I commented to my friend "that's something I thing I would really enjoy doing, but I dont think I could". Over the course of my "down time" I had lost all self esteem and no longer cared much about how I looked. I was to find out that I had a few months to think about entering the competition, and thus arrange a boogie bop dames shoot with the famous Miss Pixie.
My very first shoot with Pixie, I was awkward to say the least. But during the shoot I was showered with constant praise, and made to feel like someone one might look at in the street, rather than look away from.
I went home feeling renewed, confident and excited. A new chapter of my life had just begun.
the next few months were filled with experimenting with various shades of red lippie, learning how to put on fake lashes (even though I had once gawked at them in the past), and spending hours upon hours on ebay and online pinup shops begining a wardrobe I never thought I would have.
I guess you could say, Miss pixie is like my fairy godmother. She threw down a rope into the hole that I was still scrambling to get out of.
I still have my demons, everyone does, but I no longer look at a photo of myself and cringe. I no longer weigh myself over and over. I spread the word about self esteem, and loving who you are.
I did not win my title at the state finals, but thats ok. I conquered a pressing demon. As my mum said "You put yourself up on stage, as you are, and you looked beautiful, and I am proud of you".
...And I am proud of me too.
Ivy Fox - SA 2013 competitor
My journey with Miss Pinup Australia started in a doctor's waiting room...
Browsing through Facebook, I saw a call out for more entrants for Miss Pinup Australia 2012/13. After scrolling through the MPA Facebook page and website, I decided I'd sleep on it and then decide the next day.
I was at the doctors to ask for help for a problem I thought I could manage on my own, but after years of an uphill battle I decided I finally needed to ask for help. My anxiety and depression had hit breaking point. It was either get help, or lose everything you love to it. I had been living in Australia for almost 3 years without any family, and for half that time I had been in an abusive relationship. I was fiercely independent, so asking for help was a huge step for me. So the doctor prescribed me some meds to help, and wrote me a referral to a psychologist, and I was on my way to recovery. I had reached out for help, which seemed like the hardest thing in the world, so I decided after that appointment that I would enter Miss Pinup Australia too!
Fast-forward 6 months, and I'm still riding the high from competing in the Miss Pinup Australia SA finals in early March. I was honoured to have been selected to compete at state level, and loved showing everyone the fiery and fierce Fox I had transformed into. I had members of the public who had watched the finals coming up to me saying how much they loved my routines and stage presence, not to mention the gorgeous outfits! Competing alongside such a bevy of beauties has also secured me some gorgeous and supportive life-long friends.
It's crazy to think that in just 6 months I have overcome mental illness that wouldn't even let me out of the house some days, I have shed my mask I was wearing for society to make people "like me", and now am letting my true pinup self shine through. I am living for ME. And I have never been happier :)
The MPA family was the support I needed to keep going when I had tough days, and also are there to celebrate my successes. We all have Miss Pixie to thank for bringing the contest and community to life, and of course her little army of supportive helpers.
I leave you all with the words of Dr Seuss:
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!"
Browsing through Facebook, I saw a call out for more entrants for Miss Pinup Australia 2012/13. After scrolling through the MPA Facebook page and website, I decided I'd sleep on it and then decide the next day.
I was at the doctors to ask for help for a problem I thought I could manage on my own, but after years of an uphill battle I decided I finally needed to ask for help. My anxiety and depression had hit breaking point. It was either get help, or lose everything you love to it. I had been living in Australia for almost 3 years without any family, and for half that time I had been in an abusive relationship. I was fiercely independent, so asking for help was a huge step for me. So the doctor prescribed me some meds to help, and wrote me a referral to a psychologist, and I was on my way to recovery. I had reached out for help, which seemed like the hardest thing in the world, so I decided after that appointment that I would enter Miss Pinup Australia too!
Fast-forward 6 months, and I'm still riding the high from competing in the Miss Pinup Australia SA finals in early March. I was honoured to have been selected to compete at state level, and loved showing everyone the fiery and fierce Fox I had transformed into. I had members of the public who had watched the finals coming up to me saying how much they loved my routines and stage presence, not to mention the gorgeous outfits! Competing alongside such a bevy of beauties has also secured me some gorgeous and supportive life-long friends.
It's crazy to think that in just 6 months I have overcome mental illness that wouldn't even let me out of the house some days, I have shed my mask I was wearing for society to make people "like me", and now am letting my true pinup self shine through. I am living for ME. And I have never been happier :)
The MPA family was the support I needed to keep going when I had tough days, and also are there to celebrate my successes. We all have Miss Pixie to thank for bringing the contest and community to life, and of course her little army of supportive helpers.
I leave you all with the words of Dr Seuss:
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!"
Lady Marmalade- Miss Amity Pinup Australia 2012
After a hot sleepless night, I awoke with pinups on the brain so what better way to start off my afternoon with a cup of tea and finally sitting down to tell my story…
I came to Miss Pinup slightly bewildered ….what was this ‘pinup thing?’ And who was this lady with the pink hair? She seemed lovely but what was it all about? I would soon learn
It was 2010 and I had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was unable to work for a long period of time, I had put on a lot of weight due to medication, I was tired all the time, in a lot of pain, bored, my relationship was falling apart and I was losing all my friends because they couldn’t understand my illness – I didn’t look sick. I stumbled upon Miss Pinup Australia as I went to get a pinup photo shoot done of myself as I wanted to feel beautiful again, at least for an afternoon. The photographer, Helen McLean asked if I was entering the competition and encouraged me to enter. That afternoon Lady Marmalade was born!
Since that day I have been involved with Miss Pinup Australia and am currently the reigning Miss Amity. I keep coming back to this competition for a number of reasons. There is something about a competition that brings women together from all parts of Australia and says to them ‘all of you are welcome and all of you are beautiful, no matter what size, shape, colour, tattoos/no tattoos, hair colour, age, background, ethnicity, disability’ and we accept you and more than that we are interested in your story and your background. That’s the side to the competition that I really love – it’s getting to know each of the girls individually and understanding their stories and their personalities. It’s also really great to see them grow as people across the competition after their first time on stage – just that glow of confidence that they get; priceless joy.
Another reason I keep coming back to Miss Pinup is to keep trying to do better every year, despite my disability. I want to try and prove that although my disability means that I have problems with my short term memory, disabled pinups can be beautiful strong confident women too. So every year I will practise a little harder and point my toes a little longer and will remember those routines
For anyone reading this and thinking about whether to join in the fun – do it! What do you have to lose? You will have a group of amazing women around you supporting you every step of the way. You have nothing but confidence, friends and amazing memories to gain and who doesn’t want to have amazing photos of themselves like this to show to their friends and family? And if you are now sitting there making excuses like, BUT this and BUT that …. Miss Pinup Australia accepts and embraces all women and we are all beautiful and if you don’t think this already then maybe you do need to come meet some women who will make you feel like you are beautiful xx
Much love and feel free to ask me any questions
Lady Marmalade x
I came to Miss Pinup slightly bewildered ….what was this ‘pinup thing?’ And who was this lady with the pink hair? She seemed lovely but what was it all about? I would soon learn
It was 2010 and I had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was unable to work for a long period of time, I had put on a lot of weight due to medication, I was tired all the time, in a lot of pain, bored, my relationship was falling apart and I was losing all my friends because they couldn’t understand my illness – I didn’t look sick. I stumbled upon Miss Pinup Australia as I went to get a pinup photo shoot done of myself as I wanted to feel beautiful again, at least for an afternoon. The photographer, Helen McLean asked if I was entering the competition and encouraged me to enter. That afternoon Lady Marmalade was born!
Since that day I have been involved with Miss Pinup Australia and am currently the reigning Miss Amity. I keep coming back to this competition for a number of reasons. There is something about a competition that brings women together from all parts of Australia and says to them ‘all of you are welcome and all of you are beautiful, no matter what size, shape, colour, tattoos/no tattoos, hair colour, age, background, ethnicity, disability’ and we accept you and more than that we are interested in your story and your background. That’s the side to the competition that I really love – it’s getting to know each of the girls individually and understanding their stories and their personalities. It’s also really great to see them grow as people across the competition after their first time on stage – just that glow of confidence that they get; priceless joy.
Another reason I keep coming back to Miss Pinup is to keep trying to do better every year, despite my disability. I want to try and prove that although my disability means that I have problems with my short term memory, disabled pinups can be beautiful strong confident women too. So every year I will practise a little harder and point my toes a little longer and will remember those routines
For anyone reading this and thinking about whether to join in the fun – do it! What do you have to lose? You will have a group of amazing women around you supporting you every step of the way. You have nothing but confidence, friends and amazing memories to gain and who doesn’t want to have amazing photos of themselves like this to show to their friends and family? And if you are now sitting there making excuses like, BUT this and BUT that …. Miss Pinup Australia accepts and embraces all women and we are all beautiful and if you don’t think this already then maybe you do need to come meet some women who will make you feel like you are beautiful xx
Much love and feel free to ask me any questions
Lady Marmalade x
Miss Scarlette Rose- Miss Perfect Pinup NSW 2011
If anyone is reading these testimonials and wishing they could have the courage to be a part of the Miss Pinup Australia experience but are feeling too scared.... Please don't, there is no need to be nervous!
The first time I met the fantastic women from Boogie Bop Dames who are responsible for this magical event, I had so much fun. These women are encouraging and very helpful and there is absolutely no intimidation under Miss Pixie's watch! :)
Being a part of this beautiful event helped me become true to myself and not worry so much about appearing different or what others may think. As Miss Pinup Australia is for all ladies and gentlemen to come together and share an appreciation for Vintage Glamour.
The support I found during this gorgeous event was amazing. Meeting people for the first time and enjoying a common interest to people in other areas of my life being so supportive of a more confident and honest me.
What else makes Miss Pinup Australia stand out to me, is the importance of our own personal beauty on the outside but more so on the inside. This is a wonderful message to be encouraging and a high priority for the ladies behind this event, they are real gems.
An absolute Diamond however, is Miss Pixie. Her drive and determination to make not only Australia but the whole world realise what stunning people we can all rub shoulders with is amazing! What a woman! Miss Pixie is a role model for us all, she truly just wants to make the world a more colourful, genuine, pinup place :)
I completely agree with everything Miss Pinup Australia stands for. I couldn't recommend being a part of this fabulous event any more.
I went to watch this years Live Heats and it was so much fun. Watching everyone out on stage bought back all the happy memories. The laughing, the dedication, the nerves and the support. I was so excited and proud watching each person and I felt truly blessed when people were excited to see me too.
Thank you Miss Pinup Australia.
Lots of Pinup Love,
Miss Scarlette Rose - Miss Perfect Pinup NSW 2011
Kitty Savage- VIC wild card 2011/12
Early 2010 I seen an add for Miss Pinup Australia in a magazine saying this was its first year running and the details on how to enter. I thought to myself if I had only enough courage to enter.
2011 came around and I really wanted to get some pin up photo's for my birthday in March, I did some research and came across Boogie Bop Dames.
I loved everything about Boogie Bop Dames photographs. Everything was so well done and every last detail was thought of thoroughly, backgrounds, props, hair and make-up. You could tell that this is what they where passionate about and they lived and breathed this world.
I booked my session with Boogie Bop Dames in April and decided that if I was getting these photos done then what have I got to lose by submitting 3 of my photos for 2011/12 Miss Pinup Australia.
Getting these photo's done was amazing I was so scared walking through the door but within 15 minutes Pixie and Nasya put me at ease and made me feel so comfortable.
I didn't have anything to lose but gained so much from my experience with Miss Pinup Australia.
Entering Miss Pinup Australia was probably one of the scariest experiences at the time and there where so many times I thought to myself what am I doing? I can't do this but I'm so glad that I didn't let my fear and nerves get in the way of one of the best journeys I have embarked on.
I have met so many lovely and amazingly talented women along the journey and have been so proud to say I am part of a competition that shows what its like to be a true woman, To be confidant, talented and elegant no matter what shape, size or age.
It has given me so much faith and self confidence in myself that I didn't even know I had, I feel incredibly lucky to be given this opportunity and will cherish the memories and the people I've met along the way for a life time.
Kitty Savage
Adriana Obscenities- Miss VaVa Voom Pinup WA/SA 2011The day I was told about this competition i remember thinking "What a fantastic idea!"
We need more people like this to show men and women Australia wide they don't need to follow the abhorrent trends of the modern age. You don't need to wear short skirts, Hair extensions and spray tans to be considered pretty, A little self respect and conducting yourself as a lady will guarantee you outshine all those around you.
Being involved with the Miss Pinup Australia competition has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, While i had self esteem pouring out of my ears before this competition it's almost out of control now!
Every bit of time and effort you pour into this comes back onto you, You will never regret the decision to enter only the decision to let it pass you by.
Do something for YOU, Make the world see what a beautiful individual YOU are and you'll be amazed at how wonderfully you are treated by not only the fellow competitors (All for one and one for all!) but the amazing organizers who have nothing but support and love for each and every one of these incredible examples of Australian talent.
xox Adriana Obscenities
We need more people like this to show men and women Australia wide they don't need to follow the abhorrent trends of the modern age. You don't need to wear short skirts, Hair extensions and spray tans to be considered pretty, A little self respect and conducting yourself as a lady will guarantee you outshine all those around you.
Being involved with the Miss Pinup Australia competition has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, While i had self esteem pouring out of my ears before this competition it's almost out of control now!
Every bit of time and effort you pour into this comes back onto you, You will never regret the decision to enter only the decision to let it pass you by.
Do something for YOU, Make the world see what a beautiful individual YOU are and you'll be amazed at how wonderfully you are treated by not only the fellow competitors (All for one and one for all!) but the amazing organizers who have nothing but support and love for each and every one of these incredible examples of Australian talent.
xox Adriana Obscenities
Miss Cheech Sanchez - Miss illustrated Pinup Australia 2012, Miss Illustrated Pinup VIC 2011
Miss Pinup Australia is so much more than a pinup pageant - it's a life changing experience. I started having pinup photos taken because, even after many years behind the camera, I hated myself in photographs and pinup photos made me feel like I was beautiful. What I never expected was that my Miss Pinup journey would make me realise that I really am beautiful, inside and out. Not only did I find the confidence to take part in the competition, I went on to win Miss Illustrated Pinup Victoria 2011 and Miss Illustrated Pinup Australia 2012. On top of that, I am now proud to be both a sponsor and a judge of this amazing competition that allows women of all shapes, sizes and ages to realise they are beautiful inside and out.
Miss Bettie Jean - Miss Perfect Pinup VIC 2011
Why I entered Miss Pinup Australia
Past: Year four was the beginning, this was when the idea of people being "popular" and not popular became apparently important. As a socially awkward, non sporty girl with an overbite I was discluded and made to feel different. This was made severely clear when my teacher mocked me in front of the whole class because I didn't cross my legs like everyone else. The thing that kept me going was this scene from The Addams family values, knowing that there was others out there the were as different as myself made me feel better but still not confident.
In high school my confidence received another blow when my best friend spread lies and very personal information about me at both my boyfriends and my own school. After that I didn't know who to trust, I sunk into my own world. I became paranoid and developed OCD, at my worst I was seeing a shrink three times a week. After high school I cut all ties to my former life and started believing in myself again.
Present: My fascination with pinup was peaked by the fabulous Bettie Page, she in-bodied everything that I wished I was, she exuded style, class, beauty and self confidence, I began modeling myself in her image. Then in 2008 I meet my future husband, Johnny Rockett, I had never felt so connected to anyone in my life! We became inseparable, sharing the same passions, interests and a distaste for crowds and alcohol.
And during a three week holiday to America Johnny and I wed in a little white chapel in Las Vegas finally making me feel whole. After getting back Johnny and I flew up to Sydney to get my picture taken by Miss Pixie for Miss Pinup Australia and whilst there Pixie managed to charm Johnny into entering the newest category in the competition, Mr Pinup Australia.
And during a three week holiday to America Johnny and I wed in a little white chapel in Las Vegas finally making me feel whole. After getting back Johnny and I flew up to Sydney to get my picture taken by Miss Pixie for Miss Pinup Australia and whilst there Pixie managed to charm Johnny into entering the newest category in the competition, Mr Pinup Australia.
What an amazing idea it was! Johnny and I jumped straight in, researching by watching classic and period piece movie, listening to vintage music, searching for perfect clothing that capture what we envisioned and practicing our individual routines for each outfit. All this payed off when we both won the title of Miss Perfect Pinup and Mr Pinup and we could not be happier!
Miss Pinup Australia has made me feel happy in myself and my body and taught me not to worry about what other think of me because I'm special in my own wonderful way and nobody can take that away from me.
The future: Who I aim to be is Miss Pixie, she is what a person should be, loving to friends and family, beautiful inside and out and smart, smart, smart. If I become half the women Miss Pixie is, Ill die a very happy woman."
Lady A Broad- Miss Classic Pinup Australia RU 2012
Scarlet Tinkabelle- Miss Illustrated Pinup QLD 2011 and 2013
Miss Lacey Lemonade - Miss Perfect Pinup Live Australian Heats 2011
Miss Lolly Dolly - Miss Perfect Pinup SA 2011 and 2013
Lady A Broad- Miss Classic Pinup Australia RU 2012
Miss Pinup Australia brought out a person that had been lost for years. A person that had a drive, passion and a goal but some how got pushed to a side to make way for the everyday challenges of being a Wife and Mother. With no identity and no motivation, most areas in my life were breaking down.
Boogie Bop Dames gave me the adrenaline to be inspired again and the push to find myself. Pixies support and positive outlook helped me to take the first steps to a better life.
Miss Pinup Australia gave me confidence, strength and self acceptance. I have pride in my appearance, a passion for life and a goal for my future. My family life has changed for the better. My husband has the lady he married back and my Children see a happier person and not just a mum. The friends I have made on my journey will be friends for life and I am so blessed to have met them.
Life is better in all areas, now that I have found ME. This wouldn't have been possible without Miss Pinup Australia and Boogie Bop Dames.
Boogie Bop Dames gave me the adrenaline to be inspired again and the push to find myself. Pixies support and positive outlook helped me to take the first steps to a better life.
Miss Pinup Australia gave me confidence, strength and self acceptance. I have pride in my appearance, a passion for life and a goal for my future. My family life has changed for the better. My husband has the lady he married back and my Children see a happier person and not just a mum. The friends I have made on my journey will be friends for life and I am so blessed to have met them.
Life is better in all areas, now that I have found ME. This wouldn't have been possible without Miss Pinup Australia and Boogie Bop Dames.
Scarlet Tinkabelle- Miss Illustrated Pinup QLD 2011 and 2013
I entered Miss Pinup Australia in 2011. My experience was amazing. Developing both my pinup ego and inner self, both Pixie, the other lovely dolls, and the whole experience in general really helped give me the confidence & self love to conquer my dreams. It was also so rewarding to grow and learn with many other lovely dolls. I can't wait to learn and grow more, and to meet the new dollies on the scene and rekindle those friendships made in the past Miss Pinup experience.
This is more than a contest, it is a journey of love, life and knowledge, a must for any pinup princess or those wishing to discover their inner pinup beauty.
This is more than a contest, it is a journey of love, life and knowledge, a must for any pinup princess or those wishing to discover their inner pinup beauty.
Miss Lacey Lemonade - Miss Perfect Pinup Live Australian Heats 2011
"When I was a little girl, I would dream of being on stage dressed as beautifully as Marilyn Monroe, Betty Hutton or the girls from Grease. Miss Pinup Australia has helped make my childhood dreams a reality!
Since I was a teenager I have always had a unique and alternative sense of style and from the outside, I would have come across as very confident girl but for about three years of my teenage life I suffered from body issues and an eating disorder. This was a very difficult thing to overcome. I love the fact that Miss Pinup Australia proves that you do not need to be stick thin to be beautiful.
Dressing up, dancing, singing and posing for the camera are my favourite things to do. I have always loved the idea of modelling but the fact that I have curves and am under 5 and a half feet tall meant I thought this could never be an option. Miss Pinup Australia has made this possible!
During my time as a competitor I have met some absolutely beautiful people (inside and out) and I have made some great friends. The wonderful Miss Pixie and the gorgeous Nasya have taught me the art of vintage hair styling, make up and some good old fashioned deportment!
Since I was a teenager I have always had a unique and alternative sense of style and from the outside, I would have come across as very confident girl but for about three years of my teenage life I suffered from body issues and an eating disorder. This was a very difficult thing to overcome. I love the fact that Miss Pinup Australia proves that you do not need to be stick thin to be beautiful.
Dressing up, dancing, singing and posing for the camera are my favourite things to do. I have always loved the idea of modelling but the fact that I have curves and am under 5 and a half feet tall meant I thought this could never be an option. Miss Pinup Australia has made this possible!
During my time as a competitor I have met some absolutely beautiful people (inside and out) and I have made some great friends. The wonderful Miss Pixie and the gorgeous Nasya have taught me the art of vintage hair styling, make up and some good old fashioned deportment!
By day I am a fitness instructor so I spend the majority of my time wearing sneakers, a pony tail and boxing gloves although I have been known to rock up to the gym wearing a head scarf and victory rolls!! My home office doubles as a home for my beautiful vintage treasures (which all have names as if they were my babies!!!) I spend my days training, encouraging and motivating people to get more fit, healthy and confident. Miss Pinup Australia has definitely helped me boost my confidence and has proven to me that you can do anything you set your mind to!!
Recently I had the opportunity to perform with the winners from last years competition and have had interviews featured on episodes of tattooink.tv, I have been lucky enough to have my picture displayed in the last two issues of Pin Up America Magazine and I have Pixie to thank for this!!!
My sash from the Live Heats is hanging in my bedroom and I smile at it every night before I go to sleep!
I am looking very forward to the Grand Final in March!
I am looking very forward to the Grand Final in March!
Let's work together to convert the world, one pinup girl at a time!"
Love Lacey xx
Miss Lolly Dolly - Miss Perfect Pinup SA 2011 and 2013
"I entered MPA on a friends suggestion, who said I had a pinup look. I went and did some research, bought a pile of books and started working with a wonderful woman - Joy Taylor - on creating some exciting pieces I could compete with... and then I became addicted and now where 50s everyday! I have always been a confident and self loving woman, but I really respected that this competition was hardly a competitive competition, but more like a celebration of the vintage glamour where like minded people can celebrate their appreciation for the 40s/50s together, share notes and make friends. I liked knowing that we all wanted to win, but not as the expense of being beautiful people inside. I made the effort to connect with the other girls before the competition at various gatherings, high teas and photoshoots because I knew these girls were special, and it was rewarding to see them grow and become more confident by the time we reached the state finals. For me, this competition has sparked a love and admiration for vintage glamour, it has shown me I can be different and wonderful at the same time and that I shouldn't be afraid to stand out everyday, that you can be in a competition and still love those around you, and that I am slightly addicted to the spotlight! Thank you Miss Pixie for making me a brighter light, and a happier woman."
Love Lolly
Miss Louisa May- Miss Perfect Pinup TAS RU 2011
Miss Baby Blavatsky- Miss Classic Pinup VIC RU 2011
Miss Catalina Colie- Miss VaVa Voom Pinup VIC RU 2011
Miss Louisa May- Miss Perfect Pinup TAS RU 2011
"Miss Pinup Australia is the first competition I have ever entered that I have not hidden behind a piece of art, or a piece of written, but have actually put myself out there. I am 19 years old and for many years have struggled with accepting the way I look. I used to get bullied at school for having glasses, braces, and being at first taller than everyone, and then, being shorter. It affected my confidence greatly, and 'Pretty' and 'Pinup' were never something I would have added under the list of things I am. I at first started to collect vintage items, from the 1920's - 1950's and then I came across this competition. I was at first unsure but my friends got behind me and challenged me to enter. So I did. I honestly expected to be rejected upon entry, then the news came that I had got into the Tasmania state finals. I couldn't believe my luck! I started to practice my poses, and took a Boogie Bop Dames course, and then, I practised even more! The whole lead up was the most exciting time, I had my first photo shoot, I met some of the other competitors, I got closer to two of my friends (also entrants) than I'd ever been before. Miss Pinup has given me the ability to look at myself in the mirror again, and say 'Y'no what Miss Louisa May? You have /nothing/ to worry about, you are pretty.' As an unexpected title holder of Miss Perfect Pinup Runner Up Tasmania I honestly feel like a princess, I am so excited to represent myself, and my state in March at the National Finals. Miss Pinup is not about being stick thin, Barbie blonde or anything you would stereotypically associate with beauty pageants, it is about being who you are, and being comfortable in your own skin. It is definitely an experience I would recommend to anyone."
Miss Baby Blavatsky- Miss Classic Pinup VIC RU 2011
"As a contestant and runner up of the Victorian heats of the Miss Pin up Australia Competition I would like to say how privileged I feel to be a part of it.
This competition has been so much more than I expected and has challenged me in many, positive ways.
Miss Pixie Roberts is an amazing woman who inspires me to continue with my own business, whilst raising a family and living the Pin Up life. It can be done and with great success.
The Miss Pin up Competition has allowed me to expand my horizons, really letting me see what I am capable of as a woman and an ambassador for MPA. It has also helped me with confidence issues that have arisen due to Post-natal Depression and I am happy to say I believe MPA has me well and truly on the road to recovery.
On the lighter side, it is hard to say no to wearing wonderful, vintage inspired clothes, performing on stage and getting to know all the other women involved. Heaven on a stick!
A massive thanks to all those involved for making it a great experience. Can't wait for the Sydney finals. Yay!
Baby Blavatsky"
Miss Catalina Colie- Miss VaVa Voom Pinup VIC RU 2011
"I find this task quite challenging, in real life I am a primary school teacher and I am forever encouraging my students to reach for the stars and to take every opportunity life provides. But for me that was very difficult to do.
Growing up I was obsessed with Elvis Presley, literally. What 6 year old wants to have her birthday party at a memorial for The King in a cemetary? This 6 year old did!
As I matured, my love for Elvis encompassed new areas, I learned to dance, I began collecting vintage memorabilia, and by the time I was 15 I had my Mum making at least one new circle skirt for me each month. The 1950's was my passion, it grew stronger everyday and become more and more a part of my life, until before I knew it I was literally living a 1950's lifestyle.
I entered the first Miss Pinup and was excited, but lacking one fundamental requirement, belief in myself. I had no confidence on stage. I knew I lived and breathed rockabilly and 1950's culture, all the way down to not even having television, but when I was put on stage and out of my comfort zone I fell apart.
Following the disaster that was my 'Pinup Debut', Miss Pixie kept in touch with me. I continued supporting Kustom Kulture events and went along to many gigs and shows. All the while the ever present and ever pink haired Miss Pixie (who my students think of as a 'fairy godmother') was quietly encouraging me to enter MPUA 2011.
Not far into 2011 I was diagnosed with a potentially terminal brain disease. It tore my life apart. I could not function past the thought of "Why bother? I am dying" It was such a devastating blow to me and tore at the very fabric that was my life.
I dealt with it by hiding from the world. I lost my passion, I lost my zeal. But guess what? I was not lost. Miss Pixie kept reminding me to enter, Rouge Noir kept reminding me to enter as did many other beautiful Pinup ladies.
Eventually I thought... Why not enter? What is stopping me? What have I got to lose?
On the final night of qualifying and literally with many Pinup ladies urging me to enter I did just that. I entered MPUA 2011, with some casual photos taken on holiday in NZ and one professional shot!
Hey I figured, I have this brain disease what is the worse thing that could happen?
I did not enter for sashes, I did not enter for Tiaras. I entered because I wanted to improve within myself, and to show myself that i was capable of the great things that so many other people believed. And in a small way it was my way of beating the disease. No matter what happened, I could be proud for having the courage to enter
I did not take a support base with me, I knew I had friends and 'pinup' family up there on stage with me, who would be proud of me no matter what.
The actual results from that day in November are not what matters to me. What matters is that I have grown so much. I am no longer a shaking mess afraid of what will happen to me tomorrow. I don't think about what 'could' happen to me. I think about each day as it comes, and I am thankful for the opportunites I receive.
I am a better person for having entered. I have learned about grace, humility and hardest of all I have learned to be proud of who I am.
I may not be perfect, I may not always be glamorous, but for one day I was! For one day with the help of Miss Pinup Australia, I was perfect, glamorous and beautiful... Just like every other lady that entered Miss Pin Up Australia."